George Santos, the former lawmaker expelled from Congress, has finally done it — he’s joined OnlyFans. But it wasn’t without some drama. Just last month, Santos vehemently denied any intention of joining the site and even threatened to sue Page Six for reporting on it.

In May, during a podcast interview, Santos joked that people could learn about his personal life by checking out his OnlyFans page when it launched. This left everyone wondering if he was serious, so Page Six directly asked him about it. The reaction from Santos was anything but straightforward.

Santos appeared shocked and disgusted at the mere suggestion, even going so far as to threaten legal action. ‘Have you no ability to sense humor and sarcasm? Please tell me if you really think I’m going to go do porn on OnlyFans — serious question,’ he said. He then lashed out at Page Six, calling the outlet a ‘thirsty sad tabloid’ and promising to sue for libel if they published the story.

Page Six, skeptical given Santos’s history of dishonesty, questioned whether his denial was legitimate. ‘George, as you are perhaps aware, humor and sarcasm aren’t the only reasons to doubt that what you say is in earnest. It is wise to double-check, don’t you think?’ the outlet responded. They further added, ‘Still, to answer your question: [We] have no reason to doubt that you will do porn on OnlyFans, except perhaps a vague grasp of Smithian market forces.’

Santos fired back with: ‘Let’s do this . . . you go write your fable and have fun. I’ll watch from afar as you dig deep into your wildest dreams and imagination of what you think I’m doing with my life.’ Page Six replied, ‘Surely even you recognize the absurdity of you accusing [us] of making up fables. It’ll be difficult for you to grasp, [we] imagine, but we actually don’t find stories to be valuable if they’re not true — which is why [we] asked you in the first place.’

Fast forward to Thursday, and Santos announced on X (formerly Twitter) that he is, in fact, launching an OnlyFans page. However, he made it clear that it wouldn’t feature adults-only content. ‘The moment you’ve all been waiting for!’ he proclaimed about his page, which comes at a subscription cost of $29.99 a month.

From denying and threatening lawsuits to finally joining, George Santos’s OnlyFans saga has been a rollercoaster ride. Whether his page gains traction remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Santos has once again managed to keep people talking.

Source: PagesixYoutube

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